

Friends, creative director

Publicis Groupe (RoRe), creative director

Profi, creative director

Aviasales, head of brand at new products

SberDevices, head of brand

BBDO, copywriter + experience architect

Leo Burnett, copywriter


Writing Under Pressure

copywriting course. the author of the book “Self-Help Guide for Copywriters” taught me how to write copy and come up with ideas when the deadline, the project, and yourself are already past the burnout.

The Audacious School of Astonishing Pursuits

course on creativity from Executive Creative Director at Wieden+Kennedy Portland. the author of the most famous work for Old Spice and KFC turned me into a creative megamachine.


a program for product managers by Sports.ru and Aviasales. here I figured out what product managers do. now I know that product and marketing are two sides of the same thing.


communication academy. I spent half a year learning how to come up with ideas, and another half a year learning how to distinguish a good idea from a bad one.

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute

specialist in economic security. this is where I learned to calculate NPV and manage projects according to ISO 9000. I read the PMBOK and developed financial models.

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute

specialist in solid state physics. my diploma was entitled “Spectroscopy of photoluminescence of GaAs/GaAlAs quantum rings grown by droplet epitaxy”. I was supposed to work on the creation of a new type of electronics, but instead of graduate school, I went to an internship at a creative agency.


how to come up with ideas if you don’t know how to come up with ideas

β€” Media School, NRNU MEPhI β€” August, 2023

how to come up with ideas quickly and easily

β€” Out Digital β€” August, 2022

β€” NRU HSE β€” June, 2022

the new role of marketing in IT companies

β€” NRU HSE β€” June, 2021 β€” NRU HSE β€” October, 2020

charity in the digital age

β€” Master Brand: Digital Branding β€” October, 2019 β€” DADA Agency β€” October, 2019

creative solutions for business goals that help stand the brand out from the clutter

β€” Yandex.Market B2C Marketing Meetup β€” November, 2019

Superbowl proves that creativity works

β€” BBDO Γ— Mars Meetup β€” March, 2019

how to pitch ideas to IT companies

β€” BBDO College β€” March, 2019 β€” BBDO School β€” February, 2019
